Food Study

This weeks field study, I prefer to call a food study…because that’s what we did, study/make/eat food, what a perfect way to learn.

This week in my Danish Language and Culture class we went to Copenhagen Hospitality School and learned how to make Smørrebrød, or a Danish open face sandwich. The first part of the ‘study’ was learning about the history of Smørrebrød and the traditional Smørrebrød (I can type this ten million times and still not know how to pronounce it). We also learned how Smørrebrød has evolved into gourmet and other trends.

Our food study started with a taste test of hard rye bread, with cod and a potato topping. The rye bread here is unreal, it is much more grainy than American rye bread and seems to be much healthier and fresh.  IMG_0673.JPG

The chef giving an overview of the four Smørrebrød we would make, and made it look way too easy. Then we got to do the work.

The first Smørrebrød we made was on rye bread, had a hard boiled egg, lemon (in caviar form) shrimp and herbs.


The second Smørrebrød had rye bread, pork, cabbage, cucumbers, prunes and pork rinds.


The third Smørrebrød had fish, béarnaise, tomatoes and lemon.


The final Smørrebrød had liver pate (I am not a fan, but I did try it), onions, and beets. (I didn’t get a picture though).  Once they were all made, we were able to make our own plate and eat at a lovely table setting, and finish off with a chocolate raspberry mousse.

After we all felt like we were going to have to be rolled to the bus, but we all could agree that food studies are the best kinds of studies.


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